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Articles, Book Chapters, and Essays (peer-reviewed)


“Eighteenth-Century Science and Culture.” Routledge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literatures in English. Edited by Suvir Kaul, Nicole Aljoe, and Sarah Eron, 2024.


“Antiracism in Eighteenth-Century Studies.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, forthcoming.


“Hooke’s Ant.” Small Things in the Eighteenth Century: The Political and Personal Value of the Miniature. Edited by Chloe Wigston Smith and Beth Fowkes Tobin, 225-240. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.


“Science and Medicine.” Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 28.1 (2020): 1-20.


“From Fleece to Fleets; or, Wool and the Production of Wonder.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 32.1 (Fall 2019): 101-121.


“Science and Medicine.” Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 27.1 (2019): 22-41.


“Putrefaction as Optical Technology.” Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology 25.2 (Spring 2017): 145-64.


“Eighteenth-Century Science and the Literary Imagination.” A Companion to British Literature: Volume III, The Long Eighteenth Century, 1660-1837. Edited by Robert DeMaria, Jr., Heesok Chang, and Samantha Zacher, 143-58. New York and London: Wiley, 2014.


“Civil Society and Its Discontents: The Good Life.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 55.1 (Spring 2014): 97-101.


“Atlantic Worlds in the Long Eighteenth Century: Seduction and Sentiment.” Co-authored with Toni Bowers. Atlantic Worlds in the Long Eighteenth Century: Seduction and Sentiment, 1-16. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.


“Details and Frankness: Affective Relations in Sir Charles Grandison.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 38 (2009): 45-68.


“Couplets and Curls: A Theory of Form.” Philological Quarterly 86.3 (Summer 2007): 251-68. [published 2009]


 “Gimcrack’s Legacy: Sex, Wealth, and the Theater of Experimental Philosophy.” Comparative Drama 42.1 (2008): 31-51.


“A History of Pornography; or, A Mighty Lewd Book.” Dirty Words: A Literary Anthology of Sex. Edited by Ellen Sussman. New York and London: Bloomsbury Books, 2008.


“‘the more I write, the more I shall have to write’: The Many Beginnings of Tristram Shandy.” Narrative Beginnings: Theories and Practices. Ed. Brian Richardson, 83-95. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, Frontiers of Narrative Series, 2008.


            Reprinted in Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy: A Norton Critical Edition, ed. Judith Hawley (New York and London: W. W. Norton, 2019), 524-32.


 “Minute Particulars: Microscopy and Eighteenth-Century Narrative,” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 39.2 (2006): 143-61.


“Rasselas and the Rise of the Novel.” The Johnsonian News Letter 56.1 (March 2005): 8-11.


“The Intimacy of Re-Reading Emma,” Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal 25 (2003): 205-213.


“Privacy and Speculation in Early-Eighteenth-Century Britain,” Cultural Critique 52 (2002): 40-60.


“The Arts of Beauty: Women’s Cosmetics and Pope’s Ekphrasis,” Eighteenth-Century Life 26.1 (2002): 1-23.


“The Dressing-Room Unlock’d: Eroticism, Performance, and Privacy from Pepys to the Spectator.” Monstrous Dreams of Reason: Cultural Politics, Enlightenment Ideologies. Ed. Laura J. Rosenthal and Mita Choudhury, 45-65. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2002.


Public Writing, Podcasts, and Interviews


“Antiracist Praxis.” Public Books (November 2021).


“Antiracism in the Contemporary University.” Los Angeles Review of Books (July 2021).


“Vandalizing the Chair.” The American Vandal (September 2021).


Signal Boost (August 2021).


“A Better University is Possible.” Nyumburu Freedom House (April 2021).


“The Stories We (Should) Tell Ourselves: Women, Science, and the Enlightenment.” The Female Spectator 4.2 (Winter 2020): 6-10.


“My Father’s Death.” Vol. 1 Brooklyn. (29 November 2020).


“Three Times.” Los Angeles Review of Books (23 July 2019).


Podcast Interview with New Books Network (22 July 2019).


“Divorce.” Litro Magazine (16 June 2019).


“Tita Chico’s Largehearted Boy Playlist.” Largedhearted Boy (September 2018).


Interview with ASECS Graduate Student Caucus (September 2018).


“FIVE QUESTIONS with Jenny Davidson: Science and Literature in the British Enlightenment” (August 2018).


“Science Fake and Real.” Public Seminar (23 June 2018).


“Books I’d Like to Write! A Listicle.” The Rambling (Summer 2018).


“Father’s Day.” Avidly, The Los Angeles Review of Books (14 June 2018).  


“The Resistance Files: Talking about Frederick Douglass (Who Is Not Alive).” Historista (2017).





“Editor’s Picks.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation (July 2020).


“Periodicals and Feminism, in Practice.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 60.4 (Fall 2019): 461-66.


“The Miniature.” Digital Defoe. Fall 2019.


“The Closeness of Close Reading.” Critical Inquiry (10 September 2019).


“Literary Criticism.” The Paper Shell Review, Spring 2019.


“Today’s Eighteenth Century.” The Long Eighteenth (9 September 2011).


“Clarissa’s Readers.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 49, 3 (Fall 2008): 85-90.


“Languages of Appearance.” Eighteenth-Century Studies, 48, 2 (2008): 266-69.


Review of Cynthia Sundberg Wall, The Prose of Things: Transformations of Description in the Eighteenth Century. In Eighteenth-Century Fiction 20, 2 (Winter 2008): 250-52.


“A Bloody Shirt; or, The Lurid Details.” The Long Eighteenth (16 February 2008).


Review of Lee Morrisey’s From the Temple to the Castle and William Bowman Piper’s Reconcilable Differences. In South Central Review 19, 2-3 (2002): 103-106.


“Rediscovering Lady Mary's Letters.” The Bloomsbury Review 14.5 (1994): 1+.


"The Engine," from Gulliver's Travels

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